March 26, 2009


I am feeling so "in the grind" right now that its hard to think. Not that Im not enjoying this phase in our life as a family. Because I do. I laugh with my children everyday. We paint family "portraits" and do mazes, puzzles, build block castles and read countless books each and every day. We tickle each other, even little Finlay, who has begun smiling and "goo"ing and gurgling. It's simply a dazed feeling when it's quiet in the house and I sit down tow quilt and be alone with my thoughts and prayers. I know it won't be this way for long and that makes me sad more than it makes me happy. Despite the endless questions and chatter and defiance and apologies and vinegar. I know that I will desperately miss this time that I have at home with all of my children around me. I pray that the Lord will help me to soak up all of these sweet times and discipline with love and tenderness.