March 12, 2011

30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge

So I've decided to do this challenge because lets be real, I'm not always nice. My husband works soo hard to support our family and I am not always as supportive as I should be. So here's the deal:

Every day for 30 Days:
* You must say something positive or admirable about your husband, to your husband and at least one other person.
* You cannot say anything negative or critical about your husband to your husband or anyone else.

And hopefully this becomes a habit!

To sign up for the Challenge yourself go here:

Day 1: After being gone for 3 days and hardly sleeping, my husband was totally bummed out that I asked my mom to have the boys spend the night so that he could sleep peacefully and late. Because he missed them so much. That melted my heart. So, I canceled to sleepover.

Day 2: Matthew is so smart with money and he makes it easy to keep our finances in order. This is not my strong suit and I so admire that it comes so easy to him. I never have to worry about bills getting paid or having enough for groceries or gas because he is so good at budgeting. What a blessing!

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